Issue 4
These tiny, tender, yet powerful creatures had an enormous impact on the life of humanity and changed the way we live.
Issue 4
These tiny, tender, yet powerful creatures had an enormous impact on the life of humanity and changed the way we live.
So mysterious and so exotic, lotus flowers have always mesmerized the minds of people since ancient times. For the Ancient Egyptians this flower symbolizes fertility, as well as rebirth and transformation, whereas the Buddhist lotus speaks of purity and spiritual growth.
Nowadays thanks to its flavonoids, lotus is still used in Chinese medicine to ward off old age, improve mental health and enhance sexual potency.
According to the Victorian art critic John Ruskin, “The poppy is painted glass”. It’s impossible to deny this statement - the flower’s translucent petals remind of silk in multiple shades of pink, red and purple.
Apart from being astonishingly delicate, the poppy’s beauty resides not only in its beauty. For centuries, the drug it contains has been praised as the most important remedy in pharmacology, yet it is also capable of bringing misery by its abuse. So poppy can be named the most contradictory flower - as it’s both beneficial and socially dangerous.
The rose is a chameleon of a flower and the range of its many incarnations is astonishing. The rose is perhaps the only flower that has the largest variety of meanings people give to it. It is celebrated as a sacred symbol and the signifier of womanhood, it connects Venus with the Virgin Mary, the sacred and the profane. No wonder why this flower has evolved over a thousand years from a simple wild flower to a true garden queen.
Among all its symbolism, the red rose as the flower of love has the longest history. Many perfumers and historians believed that was because of the flower’s vivid colour and soft shape, which was suggestive of the female body and kisses.
It’s curious to know that in China orchids have symbolized virtue and refinement, for growing modestly in inaccessible places. In the West though the orchid has had an earthier view, related mostly to sex.
Even though the orchid family is considered to be one of the largest plant families, many of their species have disappeared due to over-collection or the destruction of their natural habitats. Despite the fact that industrial production techniques have turned orchids into big business, the wild untouched species are still haunted and tempted by real enthusiasts that crave to witness these gorgeous flowers even in really dangerous territories.
The tulip mania started in the 16th century and was caused by the amazing versatility of the flower - it came out in various colours and shapes - mixed, edged, feathered and flaked. Europeans were bewitched because such versatility was entirely unpredictable - tulips grown from seed did not necessarily imitate their parents, so it was hard to predict whether the flower will grow the same colour as its predecessors or ‘break the rules’ and even get adorned with ruffles and stripes.
Although most tulips have little or no scent at all, one cannot deny the power of this flower beauty over the world.
Pure white lily - so sweet and innocent - has been hypnotizing the human minds for centuries. One of the first depictions of this flower was found on the garden frescoes of Pompeii preserved for ages under the volcanic debris. Thanks to its symbolism of purity in Christendom, the lily managed to grow large in popularity in Europe. The well-known fleur-de-lis is depicted on the traditional coat of arms of France that was used from the Middle Ages until the French Revolution in 1792.
There is no wonder why it naturally became a favorite one among artists and poets. For instance, the English poet and illustrator Dante Gabriel Rossetti used the lily in his work throughout his life. Among other admirers of the lily was Oscar Wilde who praised his love for lilies during his lecture tour in America.
Words dy Daria Pisareva,
Flowers as inspiration
The French artist Claude Monet once said ‘I must have flowers, always and always’. There is no doubt why these fragile, yet so beautiful creatures have always been inspirational for artists. Let’s get acquainted with the most devoted fans of flowers among artistic souls.